We are so excited to be bringing a musical theatre production to our school!

LRES PTA is partnering with South County Performing Arts Studio to bring a full-fledged musical to our MPR stage next March!

“Matilda” by Roald Dahl is a story about a brilliant young girl with extraordinary abilities who uses her intelligence and telekinesis to overcome her neglectful family and the cruel headmistress of her school. Its themes include the power of knowledge and education, the triumph of good over evil, the importance of kindness and compassion, and the idea that courage and resilience can help overcome adversity. We love this musical as it involves lots of girl AND boy roles in the cast. Students will audition and everyone will have the chance to participate! We will also need students to help us with set design, props and stage management closer to our performance date. We hope to involve as many LRES students as we can!

Sign up now to attend our free Matilda workshops!


What are the dates we need to know?

Audition Workshops will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 18 and Wednesday, Oct. 2 from 1:15-2:30. Workshops are free for anyone that would like to come see what “Matilda” is about without commitment.  Students can come to one or the other, both, or none. At the workshop, they will learn the audition song, dance and monologue. We will include those materials/videos on the audition signup so that everyone has them available for auditions. 

Auditions are Wednesday, Oct. 9th from 1:30-5:00pm. Callbacks will be held on Thursday, Oct. 10th from 2:30-4:30pm. Callbacks will be for only those students that the director/casting team needs to see again in order to cast. PLEASE NOTE: Auditions and callbacks are CLOSED TO ALL PARENTS. Students auditioning will be supervised by volunteers at all times until they are called into the MPR. Parents will be asked to wait outside Gate A until their student is released.

When are rehearsals?

Rehearsals will be every Wednesday from 1:15-2:30pm starting mid-October through March in the MPR unless otherwise communicated. There will be some extra rehearsals scheduled the week of March 17th leading up to the performances.

My child attends the Y after school. Can they still participate?

Yes! Students will head to the MPR after school for auditions/rehearsals and PTA volunteers will bring them to the Y when they are finished.

How much will it cost my student to participate?

We will be asking a nominal tuition fee to cover costumes and rehearsals as our production will be run entirely by musical theatre professionals. A bulk of the production costs will be subsidized by the PTA. Tuition will include two free general admission tickets to the show. Sibling discounts will be available! Full details on tuition fees will be coming soon!

What about students who have a financial need?

If a student wishes to participate but is experiencing financial hardship, we ask their parent/guardian to reach out to our school’s administration, who can guide them in applying for a PTA scholarship.

Is the PTA involved in the casting decisions?

No, LRES PTA Executive will NOT be involved in the casting decisions. PTA volunteers will be onsite only to help keep things running smoothly. 

How can I get the latest updates on the workshops, auditions, rehearsals and more?

We will be creating a GroupMe for all families who are participating in Matilda, so you will always have the latest information on rehearsals, costumes, ticket sales, etc.

Will there be a Talent Show this year?

This year, Matilda, Jr. will be offered in lieu of our Talent Show. Our plan is to bring the Talent Show back in 2025-26, and alternate having this event every other year with a musical theatre production.

What if I have more questions?

Please email perform@lrespta.com and they can help!